Classes 1897-1919

CLASS of 1897

Harriet Cummings

Frank L. Cummings

Arthur Vincent

Charles Fallen

Charles A. Grippen

CLASS of 1898

Helen Osmotherly

Edith Osmotherly

Fred Willoughby

Wesley Dalbey

Anna Milligan

Hena Bailey

Josephine Cummings

Beatah Huebner

Laura Scherner

CLASS of 1899

Nellie Bruce

Jay C. More

Charles Harlow

Lonnie Vincent

CLASS of 1900

Winifred Osmotherly

CLASS of 1901

Clifford Wilson

Minnie Goodykoontz

Evelyn Coleman

Fred Watts

CLASS of 1902

Cathereine Potts

May Cleveland

Edith Bradely

CLASS of 1903

Agnes Lessard

Fay Ames

Leo Dornan

Will Tuthill

Margie Clark

May Phillips

Ella Kirtley

Jennie Kirley

Grace Coffee

Mattie Petty

Vera McLimons

Winnie Mosher

Bertha Gordan

CLASS of 1904

Nellie Barns

Winnie Phillips

Thomas Bennard Potts

Bennent Wooster

CLASS of 1905

Luther Cleveland

Ethel Pierce

Amanda Oak

Emma Englebert

Adeline Lapage

Annastasia Volin

Lloyd Ferguson

Grant Moore

Dorothy Osmotherly

CLASS of 1906

Austa Evans

Inez Goddard

Myrtle Dalbey

Blanche Turner

CLASS of 1907

Edith Wilson

Frank Little

Ira Magowan

Catherine Reeder

Wallace McMurray

CLASS of 1908

Harold Crane

Albert Anderson

Emma Oak

Maud Jenson

Vesta McRoberts

Nera McRoberts

Ruth Wood

Anna Matts

Mabel Osmotherly

Frank Cleveland

CLASS of 1909

Will Huebner

Verner Clark

Joe Mattes

May Phillips

Bertha Eastman

Ruth Crane

CLASS of 1910

Mae Brown

Myrtle Delahoyde

Iva Eastman



Jean Ferguson

Hazel Magowan

Rex Putnam

Reha Smith

Verna Thuston

Nancy Turner

Clinton Vorce

CLASS of 1911

Alta Boyles

Jay Crane

Elizabeth Dudley

James Dolliver

Paul Dennis

Raymond Gillespie

Freda Sanson

Effie Tillotson

John Mueller

CLASS of 1912

Elma Reeder

Edna Boyles

Celia Strouse

Iva Delahoyde

Effie Buchanan

Roy Juckett

Chester Woodcock

CLASS of 1913

Merle Woodcock

Raymond Kime

Leo Duerson

Howard Little

Ruth Eastman

Marie Ferguson

Chauncey Lummis

Florence Cosset

Minnie Mueller

Guerdon Sage

Merle Schutt

Kathryn Juckett

CLASS of 1914

Fulton Dudley

John Volin

Richard Hawn

Vern Scott

Monica Culligan

Florence Miller

Francis Case

Muriel Wilson

Harry Lollich

Effie Aaberg

Sue Osmotherly

Mary Cleaver

Ruth Phillips

Della Phillips

Dee Petty

Marie Magowan

Rupert Gillespie

Harry Marty

CLASS of 1915

Carl Hunter

Helen Cleaver

Leonard Dudley

Marian Lessard

Stanley Parks

Louise Jennings

Jessie Woodcock

Herbert Kime

Mary Little

Arthur Perrson

Leo Volin

Alta Montgomery

CLASS of 1916

Mary Dolliver

Elsie Heideprin

Dorothy Crane

Dean Eastman

Helen Bean

Cora Gardner

Della Richards

Ross Magowan

Frank Mueller

Mary Erickson

Iris Knight

Dorothy Leach

Roy Williams

Rose Lowery

Mildred Logan

Flo Barns

CLASS of 1917

Robert Janes

Katherine Ferguson

Carlos Schott

Marie Gibson

Kenneth March

Mabel Gibson

Russel Berrier

Vennetta Heizerling

George McCracken

Dorothy Heidepriem

Marie Ball

Florence Bruce

Marie Juckett

Amy McCracken

Arthur Eastman

Willa Knight

Clarence Beck

Mae Smith

George Richer

Irene Hummel

CLASS of 1918

Clarence Bruce

Dewey Sewright

Gladys Booth

Lula Underhill

Edwin McRoberts

Frank Thorton

Mary Ogan

Charles Fuson

Edith Houghton

Carol Whitman

Arthur Wright

Hildred Bean

Gladys Sewright

Raymond Pierce

Bernice Jones

Myra Knowlton

Mariam Amundson

Clara Peterson

Margaret Sievers

Wayne Gamet

Glen Weldon

Francis Roe

CLASS of 1919

Dora Bruce

Earl Schott

Harold Juckett

Phil Petty

Orleane Snith

Nabel Brown

Mary Bain

Lena Dumke

Florence Mueller

Elva Snidow

Ruth Dryden

John Jpones

Bernice Timma

Clarence Culligan

Paul Cahoun