HSHS Alumni Meeting - January 18th 2017

Post date: Jan 23, 2018 4:42:06 AM

HSHS Alumni Association Annual Meeting Minutes

January 18, 2017

Brookside Meeting Room

The meeting was called to order by President Stacey Martin.

Members present: Laura Tarrell, Brett Nachtigall, Terry Slagel, Stacey Martin, and Melody Engebretson

Agenda approved.

Minutes from Annual 2016 meeting were read. A motion to approve minutes was made by Brett and seconded by Laura. No corrections were made.

Financial Report was given by Treasurer Laura Tarrell. Balance as of today in checking 13,456.60 and the total amount in CD’s 25,840.77. A motion to approve financial report by Brett and seconded by Mel.

Old Business:

Website Update: Terri reported that everything was going well with the letter that was sent out by Terri. Stacey has been working with the newer class rosters.

Teacher of the Year: Laura reported on the Teacher of the Year Scholarship. She indicated that packets are printed and will be taking them to the school.

Scholarship Night/Ice Cream Social: Cheryl reported that it will be held Monday May 6th at the Mueller Civic Center. Cheryl will contact others to help with the social.

Great American Clean Up – reported that more volunteers needs, request in paper, FB page.


Stacey reported that the new scholarship was started last year but there were no applicants. This year should be better.

Brett is stepping away from being chairman of the scholarships. Stacey has volunteered to chair the scholarships.

New Business:

Election of Board Members and Officers

Board Members – (3-9 total)

Anna Merrill, Scott Haden and Scott Harkless are no longer board members.

Cheryl Huddleston – 3 year term

Mel Engebretson - 3 year term

Brett Nachtigall – 3 year term

New Officers for 2016-2017 will be the following:

President – Stacey Martin (2018)

Treasurer – Laura Tarrell (2018)

Secretary – Kelli Rhoe (2017)

President-Elect – will be selected in 2018

Motion to approve slate of officers made by Brett Nachtigall and seconded by Laura Tarrell.

2017 Activities Chairpersons

Teacher of the Year- Laura Tarrell

Awards Night – Cheryl Huddleston

Scholarships – Stacey Martin

Punt, Pass and Kick – Brett Nachtigall

Parade Floats for Homecoming and July 4 – Brett Nachtigall

Class Reunions – Mel Engebretson

Hot Springs Clean Up – Kelli Rhoe

Motion to adjourn meeting made by Mel Engebretson and seconded by Brett Nachtigall.